Autor |
Nachricht |
vega ted, the bellboy

Beiträge: 27 Registriert: 23.01.04 Wohnort: rock'n'roll-city |
#1 23.01.04 - 22:26 fargo, mr. pink
diesen film, kann ich euch nur wärmstens empfehlen!!!
Eine der Hauptrollen spielt steve buscemi (Mr. Pink)...
er spielt einen der entführer, mörder bzw. kranken wie du willst ;D
kennt den irgendwen, den film???
Vic    k-billy fan

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 15018 Registriert: 15.12.01
#2 24.01.04 - 10:21
na klar kennen wir den film, wer kennt den nicht? kam ja auch schon des öfteren im tv, meine dvd läuft im internen pc laufwerk leider nicht so, wie sie sollte, beginnt immer erst nach 20 minuten, egal, hab ja noch die vhs kassette. der film ist neben lebowski meiner meinung nach der beste coen überhaupt, die dialoge stehn denen von quentin um nichts nach und buscemi spielt seine rolle genial, aber auch die anderen hauptdarsteller sind ideal besetzt, der darf in keiner sammlung fehlen, jesses ...
You're a good friend, Cliff.
I try. |
deJa pipe-hittin' nigger

Beiträge: 88 Registriert: 21.01.04 Wohnort: Hanau |
sebi junior admin

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 5498 Registriert: 22.05.03 Wohnort: Lower Saxony |
#4 24.01.04 - 17:03
Kommt in 1-2 Wochen auch wieder im TV, mussu mal in 'ner Fernsehzeitschrift nachguggn.
Vic    k-billy fan

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 15018 Registriert: 15.12.01
#5 24.01.04 - 17:58
noch nie gesehen? FEHLER, übrigens gibt's hier schon nen thread zu fargo ...
You're a good friend, Cliff.
I try. |
Cellardoor ted, the bellboy

Beiträge: 47 Registriert: 07.02.04
Gabel ted, the bellboy

Beiträge: 36 Registriert: 09.05.04
sebi junior admin

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 5498 Registriert: 22.05.03 Wohnort: Lower Saxony |
#8 12.05.04 - 16:28
Das ist eindeutig etwas für den Darwin-Award.
Gabel ted, the bellboy

Beiträge: 36 Registriert: 09.05.04
#9 13.05.04 - 12:49
hmm ja:
Zitat: |
DETROIT LAKES, Minnesota — A Japanese woman whose body was found by a hunter near the North Woods town of Detroit Lakes was apparently obsessed by the fictional buried treasure of the movie "Fargo," police said on Thursday.
After flying to Minneapolis, Takako Konishi, 28, of Tokyo, boarded a bus for Bismarck. Bismarck Police Lt Nick Sevart said she stayed at the Holiday Inn in Bismarck on Nov 9, and left behind clothing, saying it was trash.
The next day, a man found Konishi wandering around near the city landfill and Oasis truckstop in northeast Bismarck, Sevart said. Konishi didn't speak much English, so the man drove her to the Bismarck Police Department.
While there, she showed police a crude treasure map she had drawn based on the darkly comic film of 1996, in which a character takes ransom money and buries it in a snowdrift in the barren Minnesota landscape — a location he marks poorly with a short stick. The character ends up dead, and his body is fed into a wood chipper.
Seemingly rational, she made clear to non-Japanese-speaking officers that she had come from Tokyo to search for the cache of money from "Fargo," and she could not be talked out of her project, Sevart said. Police tried to explain to her that "Fargo" was only a movie, but faced a language barrier. The department has interpreters for several languages, he said, but not Japanese. Police called area ethnic restaurants looking for a Japanese interpretor, but they were unable to find one.
Since Konishi hadn't done anything illegal and her paperwork was apparently in order, Sevart said police had no reason to hold her. "She indicated she wanted to go to Fargo. There was nothing we could hold her on," Sevart said. Konishi apparently took a bus to Fargo, then a 72-kilometer taxi ride to Detroit Lakes, where she hitched a ride outside town.
"She apparently had money, so she wasn't in need of a place to stay or anything," Sevart said. Bismarck police didn't write a report because they had no reason to believe anything was amiss, Sevart said.
"We've narrowed it down to a couple of possibilities — either a (prescription) drug overdose or an exposure death," Detroit Lakes Police Chief Cal Keena said. He said he was awaiting the results of toxicology tests.
"I haven't seen the movie," Keena said in answer to a question about Joel and Ethan Coen's cinematic "Fargo," adding: "I don't need to. I live here." (Compiled from wire reports
london's calling and they're calling you gay. |
Vic    k-billy fan

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 15018 Registriert: 15.12.01
#10 13.05.04 - 16:19
das ist aber auch schon schnee von gestern ...
You're a good friend, Cliff.
I try. |
Gabel ted, the bellboy

Beiträge: 36 Registriert: 09.05.04
Vic    k-billy fan

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 15018 Registriert: 15.12.01
#12 13.05.04 - 19:45
so isses ...
You're a good friend, Cliff.
I try. |
Mr. White reservoir dog

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 1773 Registriert: 28.03.03
#13 29.05.04 - 00:03
vorgestern oder so hab ich ihn mir mal wieder angeschaut und... "jesses", immer wieder cool
besonders die hexler-szene und wie verpeilt doch william h. macy im ganzen film ist 
sandmann03 marsellus' nigger

Beiträge: 104 Registriert: 16.12.03
#14 04.06.04 - 18:05
Ich finde es toll, das der Film eigentlich keinen obligatorischen "Final-Showdown" hat, was nur sehr selten vorkommt.
Pull the shades
Razor blades
You're so tragic
I hate you so, but love you more
I'm so elastic
The things you say
Games you play
Dirty magic |
Vic    k-billy fan

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 15018 Registriert: 15.12.01
#15 04.06.04 - 19:55
der böse wird geschnappt, der andere ist tot, wie würdest du das ende nennen?
You're a good friend, Cliff.
I try. |