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Vic    k-billy fan

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 15018 Registriert: 15.12.01
#1 06.02.07 - 16:14 Script Auszüge *SPOILER*
mann oh mann, will euch diese geile sache nicht vorenthalten. hab das script zufällig zugeschickt bekommen. unglaublich, alle QT movies verschmelzen in death proof. pulp fiction zitate, sinnlose dialoge über filme, earl mcgraw plus sohn #1, red apple zigaretten, alles, was man aus seinen filmen kennt und liebt.
hab mal ein paar sachen abgetippt, zieht euch das rein!
So how exactly does one become a stuntman?
Stuntman Mike:
Well in Hollywood anybody fool enough to throw themselves down a flight of stairs, can usually find somebody to pay ya' for it. But really, I got into the buisness the way most people get into the stunt buisness.
And how's that?
Stuntman Mike:
My brother got me in it.
Who's your Brother?
Stuntman Mike:
Stuntman Bob
Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
Stuntman Mike:
Is that true, did I miss my chance?
She doesn' want to give him a lap dance, she's still creeped by him, but for whatever reason, she can't bring herself to lie to him. So she doesn't answer at all. She just looks back at him, fragily.
Stuntman Mike:
Do I frighten you?
Is it my scar?
It's you car.
Stuntman Mike:
Yeah, I know. Sorry, it's my Moms Car
Arlene smiles
Stuntman Mike:
But that's okay, I understand if I make you uncomfortable. You're still a nice girl. I still like you. However, I must warn you of somethin'. You know how people say: "You're okay in my book". Or "In my book that's no good". Well, I actually have a book.
He takes out a small little book
Stuntman Mike:
And everybody I ever meet goes in this book. And now I've met you, you're going in the book. And I'm goin' to write only nice things, except, I will be forced to file you under, chicken shit.
And what if I did it?
He gets real quiet.
Stuntman Mike:
Well, I definitely couldn't file you under chicken shit then, could I?
What's your name?
Stuntman Mike:
Stuntman Mike
Well Stuntman Mike, I'm a Butterfly, my friend Jungle Julia over here tells me that jukebox inside is pretty impressive.
Stuntman Mike:
It is.
Pick out a good song for your lap dance.
Stuntman Mike:
No touch.
Stuntman Mike:
I know
I touch you. You don't touch me.
Stuntman Mike puts a Quarter in the Jukebox.
A cool fifties oldie comes from the vintage jukebox.
He takes a chair, and puts it in the middle of the room ... then sits down on it.
Arlene struts up to him and as all eyes are on them, performs a smokin' lap dance.
Pam and Warren can't wipe the smile off of their faces.
By the end, Jungle Julia is taking photos with her instamatic, as Arlene and Mike do funny sexy poses.
Before the song ends, Arlene finishes up, she doesn't give Mike a kiss, but very lovingly holds his face in her two hands, like the sweet Italian mama that she is.
And as the song concludes, without anoter word, the girls, dance out the door of the bar and leave.
Leaving Stuntman Mike smiling, sitting on his chair.
When he stands, Warren and Pam applaud him.
You ready to go, Fonzie?
Stuntman Mike:
I do believe it's about that time
Pam is taken by the sight of the badass muscle car.
Wow. That's fuckin' scary.
Stuntman Mike:
Well I wanted it to be impressive, and scary tends to impressive.
Is it safe?
Stuntman Mike:
It's better then safe. It's Death Proof.
How do you make a car death proof?
Stuntman Mike:
That's what stuntman do. You've seen a movie where a car gets into some smash up taht there ain't no way in hell anybody's walkin' away from?
Stuntman Mike:
How do you think they accomplish that?
Stuntman Mike:
Well unfortunately, nowadays, more offen than not, you're right. But back in the all or nothin' days. The Vanishing Point days, the Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry days. They were real cars crashin' into real cars, with real dumb, real people drivin' 'em. So you give the stunt team the car you want to smash up, they take 'er, reinforce that fucker everywhere, and Wa-La. You got yourself a death proof automobile.
That make sense. I just didn't know you could make a car death proof.
Stuntman Mike:
I could drive this baby into a brick wall at hundred and twenty-five miles a hour, just for the experience.
I'm impressed.
She peers into the car to see the entire passenger side is enclosed in plexiglass.
Why is the passenger seat in a box?
Stuntman Mike:
Well this is a movie car. And sometimes when you're shootin' a crash, the director wants a camera in the car, shootin' the crash from the inside. That's where you put the camera. They call it a crash box.
He opens the door to the plexiglass box, offering Pam to climb in.
Stuntman Mike:
Don't worry, Pam, you'd hafta choke to death on a ham sandwich to die behind the wheel of this baby.
Pam climbs in.
Stuntman Mike shuts the door.
Mike is in the driver seat.
Pam is in the plexiglass box.
A plexiglass wall with some holes to talk through, seperate them.
Mike has a few different seat belts to snap in place for himself.
Pam doesn't even have a car seat. She has a post that sticks out of the floor, that you would attach a camera to, that she has to balance herself on.
You know, when you asked to drive me home, you didn't mention your car didn't have a passenger seat?
Actually, I didn't ask to drive you home. You asked for a ride, and I said, yes. Look at the bright side, I won't be gettin' fresh, puttin' my hand on your knee.
Pam smiles.
That is a bright side.
I thought so.
He yanks a homemade metal lever, that slides a metal bar into place, locking both doors.
Then starts up his powerful machine.
Pam smiles at the excitement of this trembling machine.
He slides the car into First, and pulls up to the highway.
Which way you goin', left or right?
Oh, that's too bad.
Thriller music sting happens on soundtrack
Why is it too bad?
Because it was a fifty fifty shot on whether you'd be goin' left or right. You see we're both goin' left, and you could of just as easily been goin' left too, and if that was the case, then it would of been awhile before you would of started getting scared. But since you're goin' the other way, I'm afraid you're gonna hafta get scared immediatly.
Pam's smile fades away, as a look of Oh shit terror replaces it.
Stuntman Mike jerks a hard left on to the road.
He slams on the brakes and Pam goes flying face first into the unpaved dashboard. Her face might as well have exploded.
Stuntman Mike bust a gut laughing.
Boy, ya gotta love them unpaved dashboards. Ya get into a wreck, ya just hose it off, and sell it to somebody else.
Pam's nose is smashed across her face, her front teeth are knocked out, and her jaw is busted.
Now I gotta catch me my other girlfriends.
He speeds down the road.
And you wanna buy it?
Kim, I may be stupid, but I'm not bloody stupid. I want to say I want to buy it, so he will let me test drive it. A 1970 Dodge Charger with a white paint job, that's Kowalski in "Vanishin Point", mate, it's a fucking classic. If I can get this guy to let me drive it without him, I'll blow the doors off that bitch.
what's "Vanishin Point"?
what's "Vanishin Point"? Abby, I'm supposed to be illiterate one. It's just one of the best American movies ever made!
Actually, Zoe, most girls wouldn't know "Vanishin Point".
Excuse me, most girls? What are you two?
Yeah, well, we're gearheads, of course we watched it. Y'all grew up watchin' that "Pretty in Pink" shit.
I like "Pretty in Pink".
Oh, so you didnt watch John Hughes movies?
Of course I did, I'm a girl. But I also watched car shit, too. "Vanishin Point", Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry", "Gone in 60 Seconds" - the real one, not that Angelina Jolie bullshit!
Kim is by the cold drinks cooler, she gets the Sunny DeLight, but they don't have sugar free Red Bull, so she walks to the front door of the store, opens it, and yelling to the car from where she comes.
Kim: (yelling)
They ain't got sugar free Red Bull. They got regular Red Bull and sugar free G.O. Juice.
in the car (parked) morning
Lee turns to the eyes closed sleeping beauty reclining in the backseat.
I'm aware you're not awake, and not to bother you, but they don't have sugar free Red Bull. They've got regular Red Bull and sugar free G.O. Juice.
Without opening her eyes, Abby says:
Kim, still in the store, hears this, gets the G.O. Juice, walks up to the counter, places the Sunny Delight on the counter, and asks the guy behind the counter:
Pull me down a bottle of Bombay Sapphire, and Galileo Vodka. And a pack of "Capitol W Lights", and a pack of Red Apple Tans.
The counter Guy pulls down the bottles and the smokes, as Kim goes over to the coffee area and proceeds to make a big ass cup of coffee, called: "The Big A Cup of Coffee".
Then the Girls notice Kim standing at the store front door, yelling at them again.
Kim: (yelling)
Hold on a minute! I gotta take a fuckin' piss!
Abby & Lee: (quietly to themself)
That's a little more information than we needed, Kim ... But you go right ahead!
Abby's phone rings. It's whistling Bernard Herrmann's theme from "Kill Bill".
You're a good friend, Cliff.
I try. |
timcky nice guy eddie killer

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 481 Registriert: 27.11.06
Raoul Duke  dr. gonzo

Alter: 36 Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 2111 Registriert: 02.03.05 Wohnort: Bielefeld |
#3 06.02.07 - 19:04
das steigert die vorfreude ja glatt noch mal um 100%
der film kann ja eigentlich nur geil werden 
axiom3000 hat Folgendes geschrieben: |
Raoul Duke, the netteste T-Board-Member hat Folgendes geschrieben: |
fick dich |
5$ Shake the demon barber

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 1169 Registriert: 19.04.03 Wohnort: Wuppertal |
#4 06.02.07 - 19:36 Re: Script Auszüge *SPOILER*
Vic hat Folgendes geschrieben: |
: hab das script zufällig zugeschickt bekommen. |
aber vielen dank für die auszüge!
würde das skript auch gerne haben aber das scheint noch nicht in elektronischer form im internet zu sein (so wie es beim Kill Bill skript der fall war)
Erich der Rote el duderino

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 3258 Registriert: 15.04.06
#5 06.02.07 - 19:44
hab mir die ersten beiden durchgelesen.. nur diese steigern die vorfreude schon gewaltig.. mehr werd ich mir aber nicht geben.. hasse es nen film schon komplett analysiert zu haben bevor ich ihn seh..
Bierdurst - ein Durst nach Bier, der nur zu vergleichen ist mit dem unstillbaren Hunger nach Ei - Eihunger. |
Vic    k-billy fan

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 15018 Registriert: 15.12.01
Earl Mcgraw nice guy eddie killer

Alter: 37 Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 395 Registriert: 12.02.07
#7 12.02.07 - 13:10
weiss nich mal zufällig einer von euch wanns mal endlich einen deutschen grindhouse trailer gibt ??? Wird ja mal langsam zeit wenn ihr mich fragt denn der film (Planet Terror) is ja schon in 2 monaten draussen ! Death Proof kommt ja leider n paar monate später in deutschland ...
Ohh Mann , es war ein gottverdammter, langer , heißer , erbärmlicher Tag vom Anfang bis zum Ende !!! |
vega brother reservoir dog

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 1813 Registriert: 31.08.06
s1R Mαλάκα²

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 2189 Registriert: 20.02.05 Wohnort: Trailerpark |
sem Gast
#10 12.02.07 - 19:38
Arrogantes Arschloch.
s1R Mαλάκα²

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 2189 Registriert: 20.02.05 Wohnort: Trailerpark |
#11 12.02.07 - 19:53
ich weiß.
Tanz den Kirby! (>'-')> <('-'<) ^( '-' )^ v( '-' )v <('-'<) ^( '-' )^ (>'-')> ^(^-^)>
42 : π = 13,37 |
vega brother reservoir dog

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 1813 Registriert: 31.08.06
#12 12.02.07 - 19:56
Musst du die Threads mit deinen unnötigen Beleidigungen versauen? Ist doch nicht nötig, kannst dir deinen Teil ja auch denken.
“Basically, I’m afraid of everything in life, except filmmaking.” – Lars von Trier |
sem Gast
#13 12.02.07 - 19:57
Ich sage halt was ich denke, weil ich thompson bin.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von sem am 12.02.07 - 19:58, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet |
MickeyKnox inglourious basterd

Geschlecht:  Beiträge: 4992 Registriert: 27.10.03 Wohnort: FFM |
sem Gast
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