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Kill Bill Gesamtfassung? The Whole Bloody Affair

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[] -> Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
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Beitrag#166  29.03.11 - 15:42   Antworten mit Zitat

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Kill Bill Madness at the new Bev!

Wann kommt die BluRay verdammt nochmal !!!!

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Beitrag#167  31.03.11 - 02:24   Antworten mit Zitat  /

Laut diesem Bericht wird im Beverly auch nur die alte Fassung von Cannes gespielt. Also ohne die neuen IGN Anime Sequenzen. Etwas enttäuschend. Traurig

Ist also nur die Japan Fassung, und nach der Ansprache an Sofie Fatale (nach “Soon they will all be as dead as….”) wird es kurz dunkel und der Film geht bei Kapitel 2 der Kill Bill 2 CD weiter. Es dürfte sich bei Teil 2 auch um die alternative Hongkong Schnittfassung handeln, weil von mehr Nuttenshots gesprochen wird:

Mal schauen, ob und in welcher Fassung uns der Film ereilt (mit den zusätzlichen Anime Sequenzen, oder ohne? weitere Umschnitte seit 2006?).

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Beitrag#168  31.03.11 - 19:46   Antworten mit Zitat

was soll den der mist
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Beitrag#169  31.03.11 - 20:41   Antworten mit Zitat

2-Disc ist zum Kotzen.

Macht doch das Erlebnis als Komplettfilm kaputt, wenn ich aufstehen muss und die CD wechsel. Dann kann ich mir genauso gut Vol.1 und Vol.2 ansehen.

Gibt's keine Blu-Rays mit so hohem Speicherplatz, dass man den ganzen Film draufkriegt?

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Beitrag#170  01.04.11 - 15:00   Antworten mit Zitat

Mann, es steht NIRGENDS was von einem 2-Disc-Release. Hört auf zu heulen.
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Beitrag#171  06.04.11 - 23:44   Antworten mit Zitat

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Mann, es steht NIRGENDS was von einem 2-Disc-Release. Hört auf zu heulen.

Ich heule auch nicht weil ich von einem 2-Disc Release ausgehe sondern weil in Cannes statt dem Versprochenen neuen Cut mit zusätzlichen Anime Szenen nur beide Filme hintereinander, also nix neues gezeigt wurde

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Beitrag#172  07.04.11 - 00:33   Antworten mit Zitat

Hab ich dich gemeint? Wer bist du überhaupt?
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Beitrag#173  09.04.11 - 14:31   Antworten mit Zitat ults/

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The film, complete with intermission, runs 215 minutes. Right off the bat, there’s a major change as the Klingon proverb has been replaced by a dedication to filmmaker Kinji Fukasaku. By removing the quote, it immediately makes it obvious that, because this is one huge film instead of two very different ones, Kill Bill isn’t solely about revenge for the sake of revenge anymore.

From there, the movie is identical all the way up until the O-Ren Ishii anime sequence. Because this is the print that showed at Cannes several years back, it does not include the extended anime sequence that Tarantino has hinted at before. It does, however, add a few more violent shots that were probably cut to get an R-rating in the United States, such as the spilling intestines of pedophile yakuza boss Matsumoto.

The House of Blue Leaves battle is now completely visualized in blood-drenched color and the shot of The Bride blinking to turn the color back on has been removed. There are also several different angles and gory shots added into the sequence including a brief, earlier encounter with the young boy The Bride ends up spanking with her sword. With that addition, that second encounter pays off better.

During the final scene, the wicked Sofie Fatale loses her other arm on camera and instead of the film ending on Bill saying “Is she aware her daughter is still alive?” it ends on The Bride, over the trunk, saying “They’ll all be as dead as O-Ren” before cutting to a musical interlude for intermission. Removing that final cliffhanger from the movie is the most significant change.

Volume 2 doesn’t have any titles or the direct address introduction, that’s all been cut out. Instead we begin right at the beginning of Chapter 6, Massacre at Two Pines, and from there the film is totally the same as the original theatrical cut. However, now that Bill hasn’t dropped the huge news that The Bride’s daughter is alive at the end of Volume 1, the whole film feels different. All of the dramatic irony is gone. Even though we’ve seen Volume 1 before, just looking at The Whole Bloody Affair on its own and forgetting what we already know, once The Bride gets to Bill and it’s revealed that her daughter, B.B., is still alive, we’re as surprised as she is.

Holding back that emotional reveal until the last possible moment, as is the case in this version, is a vast improvement from the original releases where we knew she’d eventually find out. While all of the murders were always motivated by revenge, they felt a little softer knowing The Bride would eventually be encountering her daughter. Her daughter, after all, is the reason why she stopped killing and left Bill in the first place and it was her death that largely motivated the killing spree. So when we the audience, simultaneously with the Bride, are slammed with B.B. actually being alive, an iron curtain or morality also slams down on us. Would The Bride have tried to kill all of the other assassins if she knew B.B. was alive? Should Bill remain around as the father? These questions and much more give the film gravitas it never had before.

While that reveal changes how the finale of the film feels, everything else is aesthetically the same. However, the extended end credits montage is much cooler now because instead of seeing characters you saw a year ago, you saw them just a few hours ago in the same sitting.
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Beitrag#174  09.04.11 - 15:05   Antworten mit Zitat

Hoffentlich bekommen wir genau diese Version auch in Deutschland, weil sie ist ja schon um einiges härter alleine schon durch die Farben des Gemetzels...
Bzw. schon cool das, das wegfallen lassen eines Satzes den ganzen weitern Film verändert Ironisch

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Beitrag#175  10.04.11 - 01:18   Antworten mit Zitat

Ja diese Ausführungen zu dem Effekt des Weglassens dieses einen Satzes mögen größtenteils schon stimmen - halt hauptsächlich für Leute die den Film noch nicht kennen.
Wer von uns kann ernsthaft das Wissen ausblenden dass B.B. noch lebt?

Außerdem finde ich das Wegfallen allein deswegen Schade, weil ich diese Szene fast schon als Gänsehaut-Moment bezeichnen würde.

Im weiteren kann ich noch nicht genau sagen ob ich nicht doch eher Enttäuscht bin über TWBA... Sind ja letztendlich doch nur die Japan-Erweiterungen und ein direkter Zusammenschnitt mit Vol. 2 - keine Umschnitte, keine neuen Erweiterungen, nix!
Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass das Sichtungserlebnis dann wirklich wie das des Rezensent ist.
Meine Endgültige Meinung also nach der Sichtung...

P.S.: Dass somit dieses "I will Kill Bill"-Intro am Anfang von Vol.2 wegfällt, finde ich Begrüßenswert.
P.S. #2: Meine Japan DVD werde ich behalten. War erst am überlegen aufgrund der Enttäuschenden Änderungen doch nun die Einzelfimle auf Blu-ray updaten soll, aber die Japan Fassung gibts ja nichtmal auf BD...

But Mr. Brown!? It's too close to Mr. Shit!
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Beitrag#176  13.04.11 - 11:45   Antworten mit Zitat

Zumindest für die neue Anime Sequenz müssen sie sowieso umschneiden. Vermutlich ist das schon gemacht. Insofern stehen die Chancen nicht schlecht, dass es mehr Änderungen (vll. einige Kürzungen) gegenüber den Einzelauswertungen gibt. Mal schauen. 1:1 die alte Cannes Version von 2004 werden wir wohl nicht vorgesetzt bekommen. Zumindest das ist klar.
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Beitrag#177  01.09.11 - 01:56   Antworten mit Zitat html

Da hat sich einer mit seinem privaten Recut ordentlich Mühe gegeben und die Probleme mit dem unterschiedlichen "pacing" der beiden Filteile und der unterschiedlichen Entwicklungstiefe verschiedener Charakteure schön analysiert und korrigiert, soweit das in einem Fanedit möglich war.

Zitat Zitat:

* Removed all opening production titles: I know many people may be fans of Tarantino's grind-house style, IE. the 70s style Feature Presentation title card, but I prefer to just jump right into my movies when viewing on my Apple TV and/or HTPC.
* New Kill Bill Re-Cut opening title: I removed the vol.1 text and inserted a blood splatter with "Re-Cut" text as an animated overlay using Apple Motion. (My first attempt using that app, so maybe not the best implementation.)
* Re-Ordered Chapters: I decided to put the movie in a slightly more chronological order. Now the first chapter starts with the "Blood Splattered Bride" instead of the Vernita Green scene (which I moved to now take place after O-Ren's death.) My reason for this was not to have the whole film be in chronological order but rather have the chapters match the order of her Death list. The flashback of the The Massacre at Twin Pines and The Cruel Tutelage of Pei Mei still occur as flashbacks so that we still do not see Bill until the middle of the film and we are still given the Bride's motivational back story prior to her escape from the coffin.
* Removed all yellow "Deadly Viper Assassination Squad" title overlays where applicable: these had no continuity in the films. They only actually appear when we meet Elle and O-Ren in vol. 1 and are not present in vol. 2 at all.
* Removed all of the Bride's narrations where applicable: Major consequences in doing this resulted in some abrupt hard cuts into other scenes that I am not 100% happy with, but her narrations were also not consistent from one film to the next and seemed very out of place once the films were combined into a single viewing.
* Added overlay of the Deadly Vipers during truck scene: Since I removed the Bride's narrations while she is trying to will her legs back to life, I inserted the Deadly Vipers as an opaque overlay instead to help convey her motivation.
* Removed O-Ren's animated origin: I know some fans will shout "Blasphemy!" but I have always hated this segment for two reasons. a) No other character is ever given a lengthy visual back story (not even Bill himself) and b) having this as an animated sequence seemed to be experimental at best and really doesn't gel with the rest of the film's style. Sorry it just needed to go.
* Dialogue change between Bill and Elle: I have always felt that during the hospital scene, Bill telling Elle over the phone that he loved her was diminishing of his relationship and jealously with the Bride at the end of the film. The core of the story is two scorned lovers against each other, so implying that he also loves Elle just didn't feel right to me.
* Added Bill's deleted fight scene: I added some key fight sequences only (not the entire scene as it is rather cheesy and poor quality) as an opaque overlay during Hatori Hanzo's contemplative moment before he write Bill's name on the window. I thought it was a good placement and gives a visual to his memories of Bill.
* Removed the Bride's narrations in board room scene: This was a hard cut since I needed to excise Go-Gos back story narration in the process. My decision was once again to remove extraneous back stories of characters that are fairly minor such as Johnny Mo and Go-Go. The scene now begins with Tanaka slamming his fist which admittedly is a bit jarring. I might need to go back and try to do this one again.
* Removed Bill's reveal to Sophie about BB: Since the film has been combined to a singular experience, having this cliffhanger was unnecessary and it makes the reveal of BB being alive at the end more powerful.
* Removed all vol. 1 End Credits and vol.2 Opening recap: the film now simply transitions into the next chapter
* Removed the Bride's narrations in Twin Pines Massacre opening: Self-explanatory
* Changed dialogue between Bill and Budd: I didn't really like Bill's response that the "Crazy 88 just called themselves that" to sound cool. I felt it diminishes the Bride's battle with them and it takes away the seriousness of the conversation; that she is coming for Budd next. Besides, there is no way for anyone to really know that she didn't kill 88 guys. I also removed Budd's comments about working at a strip club since I removed this segment as well.
* Removed Strip Club scene: this scene was also superfluous and pointless. I think I read somewhere that Tarantino had only put this in as an inside joke against Michael Madsen for wearing that hat. This scene also makes Budd seem like a clown at not a threat to the Bride at all.
* Removed scenes of the midget: removed segment of Budd's little redneck friend talking. He is a pointless character to me and not very funny. I like the transition better now of Budd getting straight to her burial.
* Removed the Pimp scene: to me this scene served no real purpose and slowed down the momentum of her journey to killing Bill.
* Removed the female assassin scene: I felt that this scene was unnecessary and the attempted humor takes away from the tension building between her and Bill during their conversation.
* Changed end credits: I removed credit sequences portraying actors that I had previously excised from the film.

Eigentlich könnte ich fast jede der Änderungen des Filmes unterschrieben und die anderen zumindest nachvollziehen. Mit einer bloßen Aneinanderreihung der beiden Filme wie bislang offenbar geschehen ist es einfach nicht getan. Vieles wäre zu uneinheitlich.

Statt 04:07:37 läuft der Film nun 03:28:02 Stunden. Und in Wirklichkeit müsste wohl auch die überlange Kampfszenen mit den Crazy 88 auch stark gekürzt werden um in einem Gesamtwerk nicht deplatziert weil zu lang zu wirken.

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Beitrag#178  01.09.11 - 02:30   Antworten mit Zitat

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* Removed all opening production titles: I know many people may be fans of Tarantino's grind-house style, IE. the 70s style Feature Presentation title card, but I prefer to just jump right into my movies when viewing on my Apple TV and/or HTPC.
* New Kill Bill Re-Cut opening title: I removed the vol.1 text and inserted a blood splatter with "Re-Cut" text as an animated overlay using Apple Motion. (My first attempt using that app, so maybe not the best implementation.)

Da hab ich aufgehört zu lesen. Hört sich unglaublich bescheuert an.

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Beitrag#179  01.09.11 - 07:40   Antworten mit Zitat

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* Removed Strip Club scene: this scene was also superfluous and pointless. I think I read somewhere that Tarantino had only put this in as an inside joke against Michael Madsen for wearing that hat. This scene also makes Budd seem like a clown at not a threat to the Bride at all.
* Removed scenes of the midget: removed segment of Budd's little redneck friend talking. He is a pointless character to me and not very funny. I like the transition better now of Budd getting straight to her burial.

What the-

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Änder mal deine Signatur, Moep0r! Das Forum hat demokratisch entschieden, dass du nur der roteste Rotschopf bist, den dümmsten Nick hast du leider nicht.

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Beitrag#180  01.09.11 - 10:44   Antworten mit Zitat

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* Added Bill's deleted fight scene: I added some key fight sequences only (not the entire scene as it is rather cheesy and poor quality) as an opaque overlay during Hatori Hanzo's contemplative moment before he write Bill's name on the window. I thought it was a good placement and gives a visual to his memories of Bill.
* Removed the Bride's narrations in board room scene: This was a hard cut since I needed to excise Go-Gos back story narration in the process. My decision was once again to remove extraneous back stories of characters that are fairly minor such as Johnny Mo and Go-Go. The scene now begins with Tanaka slamming his fist which admittedly is a bit jarring. I might need to go back and try to do this one again.

jah...das sollte er machen. Oh Mann!

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