Reservoir Dogs Script / Drehbuch, FAQ & Trivia


Reservoir Dogs Script / Drehbuch, FAQ & Trivia

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Beitrag#1  01.05.07 - 05:07  Reservoir Dogs Script / Drehbuch, FAQ & Trivia Antworten mit Zitat

I. Reservoir Dogs Drehbuch

Original Script:
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II. Reservoir Dogs FAQ (englisch)

1. What happened to Mr. Pink at the end -- did he die or not?
If you listen up close and try to make out what's going on, you'll hear Mr. Pink try to make a getaway. The cops show up, shoot out the tires, and Mr. Pink shrieks, "I've been shot, goddamnit!" One of the policemen then says, "Did you kill a cop? Are you a cop killer?" The click of the handcuffs follow, then the force busts in and takes care of Mr. White. It's hard to make out what is being said since Harvey Keitel's groans muffle out a portion of it, but according to sources who said they read the script, and through a Buscemi interview, Mr. Pink does indeed survive -- but must take the rap for that afternoon's heist.

2. Why did Mr. Brown die strange?
He got a bullet in the head from the cops during the getaway, and this scene shows that people don't always die automatically when shot. Brown has enough strength left to drive (albeit erratically), and then, when he crashes, starts to fade out. He says he's gone blind, when he really has blood in his eyes, and then he passes on. But if this is the case, how come other people in QT films do die instantly when shot?

3. Why is there an orange balloon that trails Nice Guy Eddie's car?
It's a possible sign that a certain member of the six-man team is the "rat" -- you can figure out who it is by the color, bright boy.

4. OK, I got through the Mr. Blonde/Marvin Nash torture scene. But how come what was once a radio that blared out "Stuck in the Middle with You" becomes dead air as soon as the song is over?
Good question -- too bad I can't figure it out myself. Some people on the Net have said that there actually is some radio in the background if you listen hard enough, and you do hear a little bit of female DJ patter, but I couldn't hear anything except Marvin whimpering and Mr. Orange telling him to relax. Either Tarantino couldn't think of any song better to play after that "Dylanesque pop bublegum favorite," or it's a continuity error. (One such error happens when Mr. Pink is making his getaway down the city street; he passes the same ACE Hardware store twice, as do the cops.)

5. Is Tarantino's interpretation of "Like a Virgin" really true?
As much as we'd like to believe that a girl who is hooked on well-endowed men is the real meaning of Madonna's infamous song, the Material Girl disallows the theory. Proof? At some get-together, she autographed a copy of her EROTICA album for Tarantino, and wrote on it, "Quentin: It's about love, not dick."

6. Who were "Holdaway" and "Long Beach Mike," and what were their roles in the plot?
It's my guess that Holdaway was a plain-clothes cop who had experience in undercover tactics. How else to explain the scripts he had for how to tell an amusing anecdote about a drug deal? Though we never actually see him, it sounds like Long Beach Mike is a well-known street thug that lends out his streetwise services to the cops in exchange for immunity. One of these services is being a referral for would-be thugs, such as the one Orange was portraying. That's why Holdaway says Long Beach Mike is "selling out his amigos," in that he's helping the undercover cops in setting up gangsters.

7. Why does Freddy put on a wedding band before he leaves for the rendezvous?
Since Freddy had to be playing a role as someone else -- a guy with a history of drug dealing -- he must have thought at the last second before the meeting that he may as well pretend he's married.

8. When Mr. Orange says "She had a baby, man," who is he referring to?
It was most likely the woman he shot, but it could also have the "black girl" at the diamond wholesalers. And if it was the woman in the car with the handcannon, where was the baby? It's my guess that she was pregnant, since you would have heard a baby crying once the guns let loose.

9. Where was the rendezvous at?
It's apparently a warehouse, but as to what kind of warehouse, you could presume it's a funeral home service, considering there are coffins wrapped up in plastic (Mr. Blonde also sits on a hearse while White and Pink beat up Marvin). A better question, however, would be what CITY is the warehouse in. You could argue that since the film is based in L.A., it's in L.A., but remember when Mr. Blonde met with Joe and Nice Guy Eddie, and Nice Guy says he's getting ready for "a big meeting in Vegas"? Was that the meeting for the group that was going to pull the diamond heist?

10. Does Nice Guy Eddie leave his cellular phone at the table in the opening sequence?
Yeah, I guess he does -- must have been the beer he was drinking during his breakfast.

11. Why didn't Mr. Blue live?
Hey, someone's got to be the expendable one. It sucks, though, since it would have been great to have him say more lines in his redneck drawl.

12. How does Mr. White know upon a quick glance that Mr. Brown is dead, but in the warehouse, White has to check the pulse and breathing of Mr. Orange?
My guess is because Brown got shot in the head, whereas Orange was shot in the belly. I'm sure Brown was going to keel over eventually, since the brain is located in the head, but considering the sentimentalism between White and Orange, White took the extra time to make sure his buddy was alive.

13. When Pink asks White whether White killed anybody, White answers, "A few cops." Why didn't White say that Orange shot anyone?
Well, Pink asked White whether WHITE killed anybody, and never asked if Orange did. But more succinctly, I don't think White wanted to tell Pink every detail of what happened -- remember, White didn't appear to like Pink very much to begin with. Do you recall White getting pissed at Pink's refusal to tip?

14. Who shoots Nice Guy Eddie in the Mexican standoff?
It's Mr. White. If you play the tape in slow motion, you can see White pivot towards Nice Guy and fires just a split second after Nice Guy shoots White. It couldn't have been Orange, since Orange didn't have any bullets left after unloading on Mr. Blonde, and considering he was getting shot a second time (this time by Joe), he wouldn't have had the strength to hold a gun straight anyway. And it couldn't have been Mr. Pink, since he was hiding under the ramp, and because he was struggling to maintain professionalism throughout the aftermath of the heist, there's no way he would have gotten involved in the personal dispute.
However, Melvin Siew tells me that in Empire Magazine, a UK film magazine, there was a Chris Penn interview, where he said the following: "NOBODY shot Nice Guy Eddie. It was a mistake. What was supposed to happen -- and I don't know if Quentin's gonna like me for giving this away, but it's too late now, he never told me not to -- was Harvey Keitel was supposed to shoot Lawrence Tierney, then me, then get squibbed. But what happened was the squib on Harvey went right off after he shot Lawrence Tierney, so he went down, but MY squib went off, so I went down. So basically NOBODY shot Nice Guy Eddie. Quentin said, 'You know what? It'll be the biggest controversy of the film. We're leaving it.' " Hmm.
Siehe: Kopfschuss von Mr. Brown, Reservoir Dogs - Wer erschießt wen? bzw. Wer erschießt wen #2?

III. Reservoir Dogs Trivia

Fehler im Film
Mr. Yellow
Mrs. Pink

In Reservoir Dogs verwendete Waffen:

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Beitrag#2  30.04.11 - 11:04  Tim Roth and Harvey Keitel on the set of Reservoir Dogs. Antworten mit Zitat

Ich pack das einfach mal in diesen Thread:

Quelle: Aetsch!

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Beitrag#3  20.06.11 - 17:32   Antworten mit Zitat

Pop Pilgrims: Dining with Reservoir Dogs

Interview mit Chuck Kelley, Music Consultant für Pulp Fiction in dem Restaurant, in dem die Frühstücksszene aus Reservoir Dogs gedreht wurde.

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Beitrag#4  23.01.14 - 11:35   Antworten mit Zitat

helft mir mal schnell auf die sprünge:

stimmt es, dass alle die in RD einen Gangster gespielt haben, tatsächlich mal im Knast waren?

ich find auf die schnelle nix und brauch die info. mit link bitte.

also macht euch mal nützlich ihr affen!

No time for love, Dr. Jones!
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Beitrag#5  23.01.14 - 13:04   Antworten mit Zitat

Also Madsen und Bunker waren mehrmals im Gefängnis, Tarantino selbst hat sich mal 10 Tage gegönnt:

Von den anderen wäre mir allerdings nichts bekannt, die Info stimmt so wohl eher nicht.

I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla… you will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!
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Vic Vic wurden drei Goulden Basterds verliehenVic wurden drei Goulden Basterds verliehenVic wurden drei Goulden Basterds verliehen
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Beitrag#6  25.01.14 - 01:22   Antworten mit Zitat

Zitat Quentin's Bimbo hat Folgendes geschrieben:
helft mir mal schnell auf die sprünge:
ich find auf die schnelle nix und brauch die info.

wozu? und schnell geht hier schon mal gar nix Kater

welcher mod arschficker löscht hier postings?

You're a good friend, Cliff.
I try.
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Vic Vic wurden drei Goulden Basterds verliehenVic wurden drei Goulden Basterds verliehenVic wurden drei Goulden Basterds verliehen
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Beitrag#7  23.08.14 - 01:48   Antworten mit Zitat

mr. orange, mr. pink, mr. blue
mr. white, mr. brown, mr. blonde ...

und mr. heinz tomato ketchup in der 300ml glasflasche, direkt aus meinem kühlschrank! Schelm

You're a good friend, Cliff.
I try.
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Beitrag#8  13.02.17 - 18:58   Antworten mit Zitat

Die ersten Fingerübungen fürs spätere Meisterwerk Lieb

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“Basically, I’m afraid of everything in life, except filmmaking.” – Lars von Trier
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Beitrag#9  14.02.17 - 20:31   Antworten mit Zitat

MBFB ist gefühlt nicht weit weg in den Szenen. Der Sprung zum fertigen Film ist ja riesig, speziell bei den Dialogen. Schockiert

PS: Wurde das jetzt erst veröffentlicht? Ist mir neu...

from one redskin to another
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Beitrag#10  18.02.17 - 06:21   Antworten mit Zitat

sehe ich auch zum ersten mal. wurde anscheinend am sundance film festival gedreht, um produzenten zu finden / überzeugen. hat funktioniert, wie wir wissen.

auf youtube wurde das video vor zwei wochen geposted. keine ahnung, warum es so lange gedauert hat, bis es ans tageslicht kam.

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Beitrag#11  25.02.17 - 09:43   Antworten mit Zitat

Das Video war sofort bei Reddit und überall als ob es was neues wäre, jetzt hab ich aber das Filmchen nochmal als 5 Jahre altes Upload auf youtube gesehen. Wo kommt das Video her? Oder sollte ich mal wieder die RD DVD einlegen? Vic?

from one redskin to another
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